Dogs should have basic manners, be comfortable and not disruptive in a group setting.

This is NOT an "off leash" camp. Dogs are expected to be on leash unless appropriate for a workshop activity or in a designated play area.

Dogs with the following behavior and or training are not appropriate to attend camp.

  • Dogs that are reactive, overly fearful or have any history of aggression.
  • Dogs that are likely to become over aroused, disruptive or unmanageable in a group workshop setting.
  • Dogs that are likely to become aroused, excited, bark and or lunge towards other people or dogs moving about camp.
  • Dogs that may exhibit excessive barking.
  • Dogs that have trained in any protection or attack type training.
  • Dogs that are left in their cabin must remain so quietly. Barking for more than three minutes consecutively or frequent outbursts will be considered excessive and may result in being asked to remove the dog from the camp grounds.